Hens are on pasture during the spring, summer and early fall months. Come winter, they are housed in a spacious barn with access to the pasture. Lots of lovely egg colors, some are even speckled. Such a delight to crack open one of these delicious eggs as you whip up breakfast or bake a pastry treat. Taste the difference from store-bought eggs, you won't be disappointed!
NOW NON-GMO! Local, WSDA hand-picked eggs, pastured hens, NON-GMO feed, multi-colored, natural, antibiotic-free, nutritious, delicious: $9.49 per dozen.
Have you ever had a hard-boiled egg you can’t peel? Or when you get done it looks like the egg has been in a fight with a mountain lion? If you have, chances are you’re buying eggs direct from the farmer. It’s not a bad thing, it’s great to have fresh food! Don’t worry, the solution is an easy one, just use a little patience and problem solved! Get 2 dozen eggs, one for fresh eating and the other should be ready to hard boil by the time you finish your first dozen. When you are at the store, check our best buy date, with our fresh eggs, the closer to expiration the better the hard-boiled egg. We’ve found that eggs around two weeks old make the best fresh hard-boiled eggs without the egg white sticking to the shell.
Limited Time Offer:
Special Offer: 3 pastured eggs in a heart shaped egg carton. Comes with a gift tag sticker and a twine ribbon wrapped around it. Limited time only; $4.00 each.
Bellingham Shopping, Meet-up and Delivery Options:
Bellingham afternoon meet-up on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Sierra/Hobby Lobby/Sportsman parking lot at Meridian Road.
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Free afternoon delivery at the Cordata neighborhood (see map below for area covered) on Wednesdays.
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Our farm fresh non-GMO rainbow eggs will be available starting this weekend at:
Community Food Co-opCordata store! CORDATA STORE & DELI at 315 Westerly Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226 Our eggs are hyperlocal to this branch, our farm is just 6 minutes away from the store! It's almost like picking your eggs straight from our pastured hens' nesting boxes!