We have always practiced biosecurity to provide our customers with healthy and happy birds. We do not have visitors to the farm. We meet for pick-up in Bellingham. We were tested for AI (Avian Influenza). We were also tested for PT (Pullorum Typhoid). We are again re-certified with the NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan).
Rainbow Egg Layer Pack Female Chicks available starting this spring!
We have chicks that we can guarantee to be female. They are under our Rainbow Egg Layer Pack and will include some of our listed and unlisted breeds. There may be green, blue, terracotta, white, olive, brown, cream or pink egg layers included in the pack. The breeds may be Bielefelder, Cream Legbar, Americana crosses, Legbar crosses, Marans crosses, Olive Egger etc.. We will pick the birds for each pack, and you will find out the breeds upon pick-up of the chicks. They are $39 for 3 vaccinated female chicks. We try our best to make sure they are female, but even with our auto sexing breeds it is not 100%. For local buyers, in the event that a rooster is accidentally included in the Rainbow Egg Layer Pack, we will replace with a female chick if available. If there is no replacement available at the time that you discover that you have a rooster, we will reimburse you the original cost of the chick. A photo of the accidental rooster must be provided to avail of the female chick replacement.
The Rainbow Pack was originally designed for local buyers, but we are thrilled and thankful that more and more customers from far away are ordering too. For those who require shipment for the Rainbow Pack, please keep in mind that our female chick guarantee is only for the price of the chick excluding shipping and handling. In the rare case that you do get a rooster, we cannot ship you just one new replacement bird, but we will be able to refund you the original price of the chick. A photo of the accidental rooster must be provided to avail of the female chick guarantee.
These pullets are first come, first served and as available.
We offer started juvenile pullets that are 4 to 8 weeks old. They are under our Rainbow Egg Layer Pack and will include some of our listed and unlisted breeds. There may be green, blue, terracotta, white, olive, brown, cream or pink egg layers included in the pack. The breeds may be Bielefelder, Spitzhauben, Americana crosses, Legbars, Marans crosses, Olive Egger etc.. We will pick the birds for each pack, and you will find out the breeds upon pick-up of the chicks. They are $25 each, vaccinated and guaranteed to lay an egg and not crow. In the rare event that you get a rooster, we will replace with a pullet if available. If there is no replacement available at the time that you discover that you have a rooster, we will reimburse you the original cost of the pullet. A photo of the accidental rooster must be provided to avail of the pullet replacement.
The Rainbow Pack was originally designed for local buyers, but we are thrilled and thankful that more and more customers from far away are ordering too. For those who require shipment for the Rainbow Egg Layer Started Juvenile Pullets, please keep in mind that our pullet guarantee is only for the price of the bird excluding shipping and handling. In the rare case that you do get a rooster, we cannot ship you just one new replacement bird, but we will be able to refund you the original price of the bird. A photo of the accidental rooster must be provided to avail of the pullet guarantee. Pullets are first come, first served and as available. Wait time will depend on the number of orders in the queue.
For older pullets, point of lay hens and laying hens, they will be out on pasture for several weeks before you receive them. The breeds may be Bielefelder, Spitzhauben, Ixworth, Americana crosses, Legbars, Legbar crosses, Light Sussex, New Hampshire crosses, Marans crosses, Olive Egger, Ayam Cemani etc.. We will choose the birds for your order keeping in mind compatibility of breeds. We will also do our best to pick birds that are brooded together or from the same flock to facilitate an easier transition to your coop aside from minimizing pecking order issues. It will be tough to get pullet, POL or laying hen orders for specific breeds or egg colors since we are filling orders as we go and everything changes in real time and the birds available now may not be available in the coming days or weeks.
Pullets, point of lay hens and young laying hens are first come, first served and as available.
Pullets (12 to 15 weeks) = $45 each- Please contact us for availability. POL Hens or Laying Hens (16+ weeks) = $55 each- Please contact us for availability.