We are a small family farm surrounded by forests of evergreen trees in Bellingham, Washington. We are close enough to the city but far enough away from mono-culture farming to assure that our chickens are never exposed to the harmful herbicides and pesticides used with industrialized agriculture. Our chickens love the fresh air, forests, rich organic pasture cover crops and the best care we can provide. Our family of farmers is led by Laura and assisted by her son Matthew who gave up a long career in the plumbing and mechanical industry many years ago to focus on sustainable poultry farming and preservation. He has devoted his life to raising rare and heritage chickens, giving him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in poultry preservation. Matthew's family helps out any way they can. We have cats on mouse patrol, two cute Cuban Havanese dogs supposedly possessing the ability to herd chickens and our Newfoundland dog who serves as a family friendly livestock guardian.
anchor: purebredbirds
Our primary focus is chicken preservation. It’s a circle of sustainability that is driven largely by our efforts to keep the birds that we love for many more generations to come. We have lines of pure bred birds that can be traced back hundreds of years. Some of those old birds we preserve have actually helped rebuild native populations that would have otherwise been lost if it weren’t for the few committed people who see the necessity in keeping their lineage. We are what are known as chicken people!
We aim to provide you with the best in rare and lost heritage genetics of poultry by raising them in large breeding programs all in-house at our farm. On average we winter over up to 500 birds. Our chickens are not only rare and sustainable but we also do our best to provide stock that will thrive and be an asset to your farm and pocketbook, not just a quick fad or the latest color.
anchor: backyardhens
Unlike catering purely to seasonal chick orders, our urban backyard hen market gives us the unique opportunity to watch the hens grow from chicks to pullets. We pick the strongest and best breeder to carry on the lineage of the flock. We only keep a small percentage of the birds we raise each year. Those go towards furthering our progress in strengthening old lines and genetics.
anchor: BestTastingHeritageChickens
Watching our male chicks grow into roosters enables us to select the best ones for our breeding programs. It also gives us the unique opportunity to produce some of the best tasting heritage chickens in North America. Depending on the time of year, you may order fresh chicken from us that has been pasture raised.
anchor: ChicksFromTheBest
What sets us apart from people who only raise trios or have a few chicks is that we are actually focused on the breeds that we have. We raise birds from breeding stock that has been selected from large preservation flocks. Our goal is to provide our customers with chicks that are from the best.
anchor: UniqueSustainableFarm
We strive to be unique and more sustainable than any other North American chicken farmer or breeder. Our chicks are sold straight run unless specified as we do not squeeze chicks to ascertain whether they will become useful layers. To us, each and every bird is useful. We are a no-kill chick farm. Our hens and roosters get to experience life and grow into adults on pasture.
anchor: wepracticebiosecurity
We practice bio security to provide our customers with healthy and happy birds. We do not have tours or a day at the farm. Unfortunately, shoes and vehicle tires are a pathway for contamination. We have worked extremely hard and value our flocks as part of our extended family. Our great great grandparent breeders are housed under cover to provide a bio secure setting to ensure the health and genetics are not lost. Our housed breeders even have the luxury of central cooling system, which we do not! They are situated in a spacious barn with multiple wood paneled stalls that have been retrofitted for natural light and fresh air. Aside from central cooling in the summer months, our barn has adequate heating in the cold season and have automatic waterer for each stall all year round. We visit our birds daily and often take them treats. Our farm is tested bi-annually with the National Poultry Improvement Program.
anchor: SeasonalFruitsandVegetables
Another note of interest is that we raise our own crops and work with plant genetics which are mostly flowers and brassica. We do not use harmful pesticides or insecticides. We believe that nothing beats fresh and all-natural from the ground. Our birds really enjoy the fruit of our labor whether it's pumpkins, berries, corn, apples, kale and just about everything else that grows.
When everything is healthy, natural and sustainable, it's inevitable that the product will be the best quality.