Our Blue Birchen Marans have proven to be good layers of terracotta colored eggs. They are a decently sized bird. The males differ in size due to the genetics used in the creation of this colored bird. Ours have been raised on pasture in a spacious mobile tractor their entire lives without issue, even in our inclement weather. The hens we keep come in gorgeous colors of blue and splash. The chicks you receive from us will come in all three colors of blue, black and splash due to the blue genetics. We have not noticed any "leaky red" in the female line and only a very small percentage of males have this fault. These are solid birds by the time they reach point of lay at 20+ weeks. Don't overfeed them with treats if you want more productive hens. We personally have a hard time not spoiling such gorgeous birds! These birds are commonly found in Canada and Europe. In the USA they are rare by comparison.