Spitzhaubens were originally imported from Switzerland. They have a unique comb and an ultra exotic forward facing crest on the top of their head. Chickens with mohawks are awesome! We've raised multiple lines of Spitz, including the American stock rumored to be from the original imports. As we furthered our breeding programs we acquired European lines as well as breeding stock in numerous colors from Canada. Each has their own qualities. The American is noted for its hardiness, the European has some inbreeding issues but are gorgeous when you get a bird that conforms to the standards. Our new Canadian imports are the most unique given the majority have new colors not yet found in Europe or the USA. Golden, blues, silvers, birchens, white, chamois, black and some colors we are in the process of sorting.
Since our birds come in standard as well as non standard colors we are always looking for more breeders. We are now in the process of selecting the traits we like the best without compromising productivity for our breeding programs. These birds will lay a medium white egg about 3-4 times a week irregardless of the weather. Our 2018 breeding program are currently our best layers next to the Bla Hona. We have no lighting or heat and are currently smack dab in the middle of a Pacific Northwest winter.
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens prefer to be on range or bug hunting in a forest but do tolerate confinement. One of our relatives raises them in the Colorado mountains and has found them not as winter hardy as marketing on the world wide web would suggest. A positive note is that the small v shaped comb is less likely to freeze. You cannot expect these birds to thrive if you just let them loose on the plains of North Dakota in January, you actually can't expect that of any domesticated fowl. If you've worked outdoors in North Dakota (or live there) you know exactly what I'm talking about.
The birds we raise are likely to command much more than our advertised pricing. In some instances, we have found people charging up to 99.00 for a bird. (Das isch mir e chli z'tüür.) Is it possible that some imports of Spitzhaubens have evolved to lay copious amounts of golden eggs and can fluently speak Swiss-German and English? Not likely. You may ask why ours are inexpensive by comparison. The simple fact is, we have some of the largest flocks in North America and we only sell them as straight run. We also have hopes that this offering re-invigorates the enthusiastic poultry person to collect some of these rare breeds in their flocks.
Our birds are raised the old fashioned way on spring and summer pastures by the hundreds where we will select the best and home the rest. These are a good choice for the fancier and the backyarder looking for a bird that can escape predators. It is also an all-around productive, happy, and lively chicken.
We are currently flock breeding multiple groups with assistance from our veterinarian and other poultrymen and do not take specific orders for colors. We do our best to send you a variety and can almost guarantee at this price you will order them again and again. They don't lay golden eggs, or have a Swiss accent but we are sure that you wont be disappointed.
Feel free to give us a yodel and place your order for this season!
For Spitzhauben chicken and chicks for sale, please visit our Price List or Order Form page.